Caloosa Winnies of South Florida


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WIT Club Chapter of Excellence 1996-2016

Caloosa Winnies of Southwest Florida




November 2008 Outing

The Caloosa Winnies kicked off the camping season November 6 – 9, 2008 at Riverside RV Park near Port Charlotte, Florida. The weather cooperated as a cold front came through and put our temperatures in the 70’s, as we welcomed 28 coaches for the weekend.  It was GREAT to see everyone after a long summer!

Hosts for the weekend were Harlan & Barb Evans, Al & Cathy Goebel, Ron & Betty Kunze, Nancy & Jerry Miller.

Tony & Gerry Schiarrino, Ed & Sue Hall were welcomed as new members! We also had a few surprises – Jack & Lorene MacGregor bought a new Journey coach, Helen Jette has a new Adventurer! They offered us tour of their new “homes” and it was quite a celebration for them!

Happy Hour commenced at 4pm, and the group caravanned to Cap’n. & Cowboy Restaurant for a wonderful dinner. Returning to the club house various card games were underway for the rest of the evening.

Friday morning our pancake cooking crew was hard at work cooking sausage and pancakes with all sorts of toppings. Our business meeting was called to order by President Jerry Miller at 10:00am. Among the topics discussed was GNR, 2008. Many members attended and had a great time! Plans were discussed about our Winnie Gators State Rally next March. Our slate of officers for the next year was also presented, voting will be in December.

After lunch Beanbag Baseball was on tap – 4 teams were chosen and Coach Jerry Miller said, “Let’s play ball”! The winning teams held a playoff game and Team #1 players, Bob Ross,  Bob Coy, Ellen Zucker, Jane O’Neill, Gene Hogan, Corinne Wightman, Gary Darner, and Ed Tyndall were the winners! They were presented with medals of honor!

The “Raffle Chicks”, Corinne Wightman and Gail Darner made their season debut all decked out in Thanksgiving decorations to sell some raffle tickets! They were busy with their “Assistants”, Pete Wightman & Gary Darner selling strips of tickets. They all were decorated in holiday garb and what a lot of fun we all had! The proceeds of the raffle help the chapter buy new equipment because we have grown in size and need new things. Tickets were drawn and prizes picked out by the winners and soon it was time for dinner. Swedish Meatballs and pot luck dishes were enjoyed by everyone! Next the Ice Cream Social was ready with lots of ice cream choices and toppings. The rest of the evening was spent playing games.

Saturday morning was a Potluck Breakfast with lots of good food once again! It’s amazing how many different things we always have on display! At 9:30am we all went to Solomon’s Castle, the home of many unusual sculptures made from – junk!! It was quite a place and literally is in a castle made from sheet metal newspaper plates! The grounds included an replica of the Alamo in Texas, a boat built to be a restaurant, just an unbelievable place to spend a day! At 4:00pm some of the men began frying turkeys for dinner and soon we had a Thanksgiving spread of food that would make the pilgrims jealous!


Sunday morning dawned bright and early for our continental breakfast. We all stayed around a while and enjoy the conversations. Soon it was time for farewells until December!

We are inviting anyone traveling in our area to please visit with us anytime! Watch for our schedule in “Who’s Inviting Travelers”.

Nancy Miller