We are all owners of Winnebago and other RV products. We gather monthly and share exciting adventures. Our agendas include potluck meals, team games, sightseeing, seminars, and some charity work. If you own a Winnebago manufactured product or any other form of Recreational Vehicle, we invite you to attend a meeting and get acquainted with our group. Do not hesitate to contact us! Check out this website for more information.
For Flyers and Reservation Forms for the various events, be sure to view the Schedule page to view or download them.
The Message Forum is now available by clicking a link from the Members Only home page. Feel free to use it to discuss your future travels, or any other topic you wish to discuss. One topic that seems to appeal to everyone is maintenance and care of your coach. Feel free to give everyone the benefit of your experiences. (Best viewed on a desktop or laptop computer). If you have lost your nametag, you can re-order one from Best Badges Plus. Be sure you tell them you are a Coloosa Member to get the discounted price.
Jerry Miller mentioned a free service that the Post Office offers to allow you to
digitally preview your mail and manage your packages scheduled to arrive soon! Informed Delivery allows you
to view greyscale images of the exterior, address side of letter-sized mailpieces and track packages in
one convenient location. Click
here to sign up for free
Last updated: Tuesday January 21, 2025